When I started keeping
this blog, it was intended as a way to share some of the nutritional research I
had been doing, but recently I realized that while you might now understand that the
consumption of TMAO
from animal products can increase your risk of heart disease, or why coconut oil really isn't healthy for us, I haven’t
provided the tools to actually help make meaningful changes to your diet. If you don’t
know how to wean yourself off animal products, then all the nutritional
research that I present here, is essentially worthless.
One of the first things
that need to be addressed is that changing one’s diet is very difficult. An
estimated 45 million people go on some type of “diet” each year, and they spend
roughly $33 billion on diet products. Yet, according to the CDC the United
States is heavier than ever, with 35% of the total population categorized as
being obese (a person with a Body Mass Index of 30 or higher). Obesity and the diseases
associated with it, have an estimated annual medical cost of more than $147
billion dollars – to put some perspective to this number, that is 1/6th
of the annual US defense budget! There is clearly a disconnect between these
diets, the huge amounts of money being spent and America’s ever growing waistlines.
BMI For Adults Widget

As always the information presented in this blog is for educational purposes only. It should not be considered as specific medical, nutritional, lifestyle, or other health-related advice.